Project Management


Project Management

  • Overall Client-Side Project Management of all project development processes.

  • Management of the development processes to ensure project is delivered on time, within budget and to an acceptable quality.

  • Establish Project Management Plan, Protocol, Roles, Responsibilities, Communications and Procedures relevant to the various control phases of the development.

  • Structure the project phases into manageable sub-phases with key roles & responsibilities.

  • Identify and document a ‘high level’ overall Project Program incorporating all phases of the projects, including important dates for approvals, decision making and time lines.

  • Working alongside our client, the design team and other consultants to coordinate procurement, including design, approvals, tenders and contract negotiation and expediting each phase as appropriate.

  • Provide a ‘Client side’ presence during all phases of the development, as required.

  • Prepare and distribute to all stakeholders an overall monthly Project Report with updated information and action responsibilities during all phases of the development.